Thursday, March 24, 2016

Campus Trash Audit

Honors Biology Students conducted a trash audit of the trashcan and dumpsters.  They found that plastic water bottles, cans, styrofoam, and food waste comprised the most of the trash.
Following the audit, students have made several plans to reduce and recycle.

1) Reduce the use of plastic disposable water bottles, by creating reusable Alverno Nalgene bottles with wide mouth and Alverno logo.

2) Address need for clean, cool water by retrofitting existing cooling fountain to a refill station style fountain, and adding a new wall-mounted refill station.

3) Organize an e-waste collection as a service to the community of Sierra Madre

4) Educate students about the use of recycling cans to make sure that only recyclables go into the blue bins and all other trash, including food waste goes into the trash bins.

5) Encourage the use of reusable plates, cups, and cutlery.

Trash, Recyclables, and Green waste mixed together
Mostly disposable food containers

Honors Bio students document trash in dumpsters
Even the faculty lounge

Coconuts and cream cheese don't belong in the recycle bin

Team auditing

Mr Sifter's trash bins get reviewed

Who left their lunch trash out??

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